I get it. You're coming off of your Boxing Day high. Yesterday, you were likely attacked by a mob that didn't like you taking the last Super-Ultra-Mega-Tronic Game Master 6000. Now, you're lying on the hospital bed with nothing to do. I know you've probably scrolled through your Instagram feed over and over, hoping that someone will post something new to no avail. It's boring, isn't it? That's why I'm here to help! Today, instead of posting just one thing, I'll post two stories of Drugs and Alcohol mishaps. This way, you'll have a little something to busy yourself with for the rest of the day. Ok, scratch that, for the next 5 minutes. Enjoy. And, don't worry, unlike part #3, these two are short.
4. A Hundred Messages
I was on my way to bed one night, and as I was setting my alarm for the next morning, I got 6 rapid-fire messages in quick succession. All said the same thing: "Nat!" It was midnight. Getting such messages was terrifying. Terrible thoughts flooded my mind. Why would this boy, who I had met only a few months ago, send me these messages so late at night? Was he getting kidnapped? Oh gosh. What could be going on? I would quickly find out.
I was on my way to bed one night, and as I was setting my alarm for the next morning, I got 6 rapid-fire messages in quick succession. All said the same thing: "Nat!" It was midnight. Getting such messages was terrifying. Terrible thoughts flooded my mind. Why would this boy, who I had met only a few months ago, send me these messages so late at night? Was he getting kidnapped? Oh gosh. What could be going on? I would quickly find out.
The next messages were things asking why we weren't married yet, telling me how beautiful I was, and explaining to me that I was a goddess who should be dating him. Fun. He had no recollection of such messages in the morning. None. At school, he seemed completely normal and then, when I jokingly mentioned the night, he was terrified. Poor boy. He explained to me how much he had drunk, and I understood. All of a sudden, things were very awkward between us.
5. Age is Just a Number
Once upon a time there was a girl who really wanted to go to a rave. It was the goal of her life. She found me and, naturally, since I seem to be the biggest drugaholic (drug addict, plus alcoholic), asked me where she could go to one. She had been begging me for a while to take her along to any party I get invited to. Wow, that's desperate.
Once upon a time there was a girl who really wanted to go to a rave. It was the goal of her life. She found me and, naturally, since I seem to be the biggest drugaholic (drug addict, plus alcoholic), asked me where she could go to one. She had been begging me for a while to take her along to any party I get invited to. Wow, that's desperate.
Eventually, she decided to go to a rave by herself. There she took God knows what. (Likely ecstasy, though - that's the rave drug of choice.). She took a few shots, or rather, a few 10s of shots. And her night ended really well. That's sarcasm. Because she ended up making out with a 22-year-old (she's 17). Again, wow.
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