Quote of the Week

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.""
-John Maynard Keynes

Monday, 26 October 2015

A Response to Facebook

Well, the time has come. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it's just been one post too many for me to handle. So please, feminists, over-sensitive people, and others who have taken the liberty of polluting my feed with anti-this, anti-that articles, listen to me for once:
Everyday, I get on Facebook to complete a variety of activities. From the stupid things, like watching cat videos, to the more serious, like preparing presentations, Facebook has it all. But hold your horses, Mark Zuckerburg. Before you proclaim me your favorite Facebook user of the year, hear me out: I can no longer complete these tasks uninterrupted. In order to get to an article of interest, I am forced to scroll past, and therefore skim through, all of the terribly annoying posts from the -frankly- hyper-sensitive folks. I'm talking about the people who make it their life goal to scour the vast space, known as the "Internet", for any crumbs of potential scandal. These are the people who seem to have nothing better to do than busy themselves with sharing "their" opinions with the world.

Why is "their" in quotations? Well, because the posts they share are rarely their own thoughts. They are, for the most part, pieces of ideology that have been drilled into them from an early age. This ideology is one that makes them practically impossible to communicate with. Why? Because their views are so stubborn, that they refuse to accept any critique on them. Don't get me wrong, I hate being critiqued. I despise it. I cannot bear criticism. And so you know what? I don't dish out anything on social media. I don't force people to read anything by placing it in front of them. If asked, I will gladly contribute and talk and provide my stance, but I won't distastefully put it in front of your eyes so that it is near impossible to avoid it.  I won't shove my agenda down your throat. Until you shove it down mine, that is.

There are a lot of lazy people out there who aren't fond of actually taking action. They rather prefer to have the ability to claim that they have taken action by posting and sharing articles on facebook. You haven't. Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but unless you're famous, your sharing of an article explaining the offensiveness of wearing another culture's dress as a Halloween costume is pointless. Now to clarify, yes, that is the article that sent me over the edge. Or rather, it was the storm of articles posted by that same person all having to do with skewed moral principles.

This person posted an article about some obviously dumb girl wearing a Native American tribe leader's head gear as a Halloween costume. How offensive! Really? I don't think so. Honestly, I can't tell why it's such a touchy subject for people. I think it's because of the over-sensitivity of the North American people. If someone wore some traditional Serbian dress for Halloween, not only would I not be insulted, I'd be flattered. Relax. The fact is that that philosophy only drives cultures further apart. If we look at people as "us" and "them", and don't let them artfully (reminder that art is in the eye of the beholder) express what is "ours", then how can we ever truly come together?

Further, the costume was sexualized. Oh my gosh. Sex? How could she? Here's two things: It's that woman's body. If she chooses to sexualize it, who are we to judge her? The same people that support the woman's right to choose what to do with the fetus in her body, do not support the woman's right to choose what amount of clothing she should wear. How's that make sense? We don't know her, we don't know what kind of person she is, and thereby, we should not give ourselves the right to judge her. Second, we seem to have little problem when men sexualize themselves. Feminists and non-feminists alike see no problem when someone like, say, Drake takes a half-naked photo and posts it. No one complains. They don't tell Drake that he is so stupidly sexualizing himself. Why? Why don't we help Drake? Or Justin Bieber? Or some other male?

I mean, if you're going to be liberal and whatnot, then be truly liberal. Don't just be a media regurgitating machine, because, well, the media already does that.

Now, during this rampage of posts, the girl also posted a meme which said "How to get out of the friendzone: Pull out your dick, tell her 'you're gonna learn today'", along with the caption "what happened to consent?" Do we need to say that this meme is disgusting? You don't need to be Einstein to figure that one out.

So, since she needs an answer, let me help her with that one: Nothing happened. Consent is still a thing. Chill out. Asking that is like asking "what happened to consent?" after one depraved psycho rapes a woman. Nothing has happened to consent in general. There are always going to be rapists and creeps and losers and idiots. And they will post this stuff. Does that now mean that every man feels the same way? Gosh, I sure hope not. If so, it means that I have been very lucky to survive everyday at my co-ed high school unscathed by ultra-aggressive maniac-males. It's stupid to post that, for lack of a better word. Why? Because the purpose is non-existent. No really, you tell me what the purpose of posting that is? Is it to reflect the general male mentality? If it is, that gives a purpose, but certainly not an accurate one. 

The final post was one about the importance of sex-ed. Ok, fine. I have nothing against that. Sure, give us that video. I'll take it. It's propaganda, nonetheless. However, I will be slightly more accepting of that on the basis that sex-ed is not as ludicrous a notion as all men being crazy rapists or as being a super insensitive douche when wearing a different culture's outfit as a Halloween costume. 

Because, in the end, is it really the other party that is insensitive, or is it possibly you that is over-sensitive?

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