Quote of the Week

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.""
-John Maynard Keynes

Saturday, 3 May 2014

The Legalization of Prostitution

My friend Ivan has a wonderful blog, the only difference between myself and him is that his blog is absolutely right-wing. Last night, he posted a very long post against prostitution and in support of some Swedish model. Considering that he is a good sport and that we used to be debate partners, I took it upon my left-wing self to rebut his points and give my stance on why prostitution should be legal. Be warned, he has thoroughly researched the topic, I have purely refuted his points on little to no foundation. Here is his article: http://ihsieh.blogspot.ca/2014/05/prostitution-commercialization-of.html?m=1
Here is my response, which you can also find in the form of a comment on his post:
Oh Ivan! I adore your right-wing, intolerant speeches. They are just so fun to discuss! You know I have to rebut: :) First, I don't like being called an "ill informed liberal moron". Second, it is absolutely lovely that you want to protect women; sadly, it is not your place to do so as a man. Most men are unable to understand women and your view especially, is exceedingly naïve.
SOURCE: conservativepapers.com
You must ask yourself what is wrong with having a man turn a woman "into a living, breathing, masturbation fantasy." Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the statement, if the woman consents to it. Most men have this goal, and prostitution is an ideal way for it to be achieved and satisfied. Regardless, what you fail to realize is that men and women are already doing this on a very regular basis, and would continue even if prostitution was eradicated. What I am speaking about it "one night stands". I'm sure you know what this is and I have no need to further elaborate. The only difference between one night stands and prostitution is that prostitutes get paid for sleeping with a client, whereas those who participate in one night stands do not. It is so common for both men and women to disregard the personality of a person and treats them as genitals. It happens in high school all the time. As for the statement "She acts the part of the thing he wants her to be." you fail to realize that the man also acts as what the woman wants - a client with cash.
I am rather uninformed on the prostitution models around the world, so I won't say anything about that.
Next, "Trudeau like imbecile"? Really? Trudeau was a great man, who did many great things thanks to his charisma.
Ok next, Ivan, why do you think that personal questions are not allowed in debates? Exactly for the reason of tolerance variations. A person may support legalizing marijuana, but be opposed to having their child smoke it. They support legalization because they want that option to be available to the general populace, not necessarily because they want to participate in the action themselves. I too would not like it for any of my family members to be hookers, but would not mind seeing hookers on the streets. I also, for example, would not support a family member's decision to become a trapeze artist, but would I prevent the people from doing it? No. There are a flurry of dangerous/degrading jobs out there, but there is no need to disallow them. Somebody has to do them. Think about the tremendous taboo which society puts on prostitution, if it did not exist everything would be fine. As for prostitutes not choosing their jobs, - I agree completely. Ask yourself however, if the cashier at WalMart legitimately grew up hoping to be a cashier - probably not. They too are pushed to society's classist perception of the "bottom rung of society".
Next, your argument about the scarring which occurs due to prostitution makes me happy. Do you not realize that if legalized, they would no longer be scarred - the government would regulate it. I bet that the Netherlands model could have succeeded had the police out an emphasis on regulating brothels. Prostitutes would have better living conditions, including being subject to minimum wage. Don't be sleezy, no one is "coerced" into being an escort. They know what they are getting into and have their own reasons for it. Prostitution does not harm society as a whole. To finish my rebuttal (it didn't let me post the whole thing at once)
Granted, the government has role to protect the citizens, but to a certain extent. Only recently has prostitution become taboo. It is the oldest profession of all time with reason.
Morality is part of forming law. But it is a VERY small part. Prostitution is Only morally wrong in our eyes because it is propagated that way. It shouldn't be taboo.
I beg to differ that, if enough care is put into regulation, prostitution conditions can only get better.
Lastly, that is absurd!!! You want to stop men from wanting to have casual sex? Are you kidding? You'd have to either castrate them at birth, or live in an entirely gay/asexual society. You can put pressure on men to not find prostitutes, but rest assured that then the one night stand rate would go through the roof. Humans thrive in casual sex, it's a sad reality from primitive times, but you have no right to try and change nature by eliminating chances for men to have sex. It is their right. No one should be forced into a monogamous relationship. Kk, I think I said my piece. I'm so happy you finally posted again!!! :) Keep it up!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am glad you enjoyed it. My reply can be found in the comments of the original article.

  3. It is great discussion on Prostitution. Prostitution growing all over the world. It is time to think on that matter.
    Escort Services


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