Stars is a word that most people associate either with the tiny yellow things that we see in the night sky, or celebrities. Stars however, is so much more than that. Stars is a band from Toronto. They aren't words to describe the love I feel for them. Using the words amazing, incredible, sublime, perfect etc., are all understatements. Stars are beyond perfect, they are the best band to ever release music. Even their music is not worthy of being called music - it is art. Auditory flowing gold, and saying anything else would be an offensive remark. I know, I'm a hipster because I adore them, right? Sure, I don't mind, call me what you will.
I first heard Stars perfection two years ago. Changes was the first song that I was ever honoured/blessed to listen to. I watched the video, and even though she is naked, it didn't take anything away from the song. It is such a poetic song with beautiful lyrics. The music, though monotonous, is impeccable. Changes encouraged me to look into this new band, which would later grow into an obsession. Honestly, I didn't think that there was going to be any song with the ability to match up with Changes, but I was wrong. I also thought that Changes was a one off, and that maybe they got lucky with the song. Once again, I was wrong. Changes was only a gateway to some of their even more wonderful music for me.
The next song that I discovered has been my favourite for the two years now: Your Ex-Lover is Dead. These lyrics are so moving and fantabulous that they actually made me bawl my eyes out. Like a lot of their music, the lyrics deal with death. But this is not the kind of death music that you'd expect. It is so pretty and perfect. The video is also sweet. It is a little bizarre at first glance, but looking at it again makes you see more.
The final song which I fancy A LOT was Dead Hearts. My dad introduced me to this song after watching Like Crazy, and hearing the song. He thought it would be my style, and he was right. Apparently, he had no clue that Stars was my favourite band - which I still slightly doubt. Anyway, I listened to the song on repeat for the rest of the day. It was SO good! The lyrics deals a little with mortality, as do many of their songs. Regardless, there is something beautifully haunting and enchanting about both the voice and the music, which actually really suits the lyrics.
Stars continual ability to match lyrics, with vocals, with music, perfectly makes them the best band ever!!
Stars have not come close to receiving the attention they deserve. Stars has made this world a better place with their music. Stars deserve to be stars, yet society does not recognize them. Perhaps they will be like all great minds - appreciated enough only after they are dead. Too bad.
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